Friday, August 29, 2008

We Luv Our Gov

This morning's delegation breakfast featured speeches by the LA Mayor, Senator Schumer, Congressman Charles Rangel, and keynote from the much-beloved Governor Paterson (one "t"!).  They passed out (union made!) signs that read "We Love Our Gov" -- definitely a keeper.  

Paterson's speech brought tears to my eyes, making me remember what an historic year this really is for us politically.  I loved his point that a step forward for any previously disenfranchised group is a step forward for all of us.

I sat with the Young Dems crew plus a lovely gentleman from Suffolk County who assured me I'd get in to tonight's closing event at Invesco Field.  I'd already promised myself I would be zen about it -- if I got in, amazing, if not, I'd already had such a great time in Denver.  But his words definitely made me optimistic....

1 comment:

  1. I'm finally catching up on your blog after four days watching the Convention roller coaster ride from the comfort of my sofa. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Obama's speech and the experience of witnessing it live with 75,000 + people. Truly awesome. Safe journey home, Mayoress.
