Monday, August 25, 2008

"Weapons of Mass Distraction"

For my first Denver activity, my friend Jason hooked me up with a taping of "Live from Main Street," a panel with a cool British host and smart people talking about issues.  Oh to be able to talk in such applause-inspiring soundbytes!

In the first of a series of fortunate DNC coincidences, when I sat down Jason went to introduce me to his friend on his other side and it turned out I already knew her -- Larken, a Brooklyn-based artist and friend through the awesome Adrienne Harris. 

Some interesting points I jotted down...

Obama didn't make the progressive movement, the progressive movement made Obama.

Importance of having a president that will appoint Supreme Court justices that will uphold reproductive rights.

Drilling off of American coastline isn't necessarily going to help Americans - the oil companies are international and money-driven, so if China and India are going to pay more per barrel, who do you think they're going to sell to?
Fox News as a "parade of propoganda and a festival of ignorance."

Fear can work wonders [when it comes to motivating people], but it's not sustaining.

There's a schism in the Democratic party between those who are people-driven and money-driven.

The health insurance lobby is about making it legal for them to kill you. (this isn't that radical - their goal is to require lots of money for care and not to be held liable if they deny you)

One woman who asked a question about health care bills shared that she is a registered nurse and pays over $700 per month for her premium and still can't get what she needs covered.  She even wrote legislation and signed on supporters.  Nothing changed.  The panelists noted that when enough of us speak out about issues like this, we'll be able to overcome the money that drives the other side.  In other words, my friends and I sit around and complain about health care, the pharmaceutical industry, energy, poverty, taxes, and the like, but I'm not aware of a time any of us took even 5 minutes to email our representatives.  

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