Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Party Night #2

After Michelle's speech, we headed to the Grand Hyatt for the Hispanic Caucus Party.  It totally delivered - about 800 people, Mexican food, open bar, eight-piece mariachi band, and huge dance floor for live salsa and merengue later.  Nate headed over and joined us, and Teresa, Tony, and I met this crazy fundraiser guy from the Upper East Side.  Tony and I ripped it up on the dance floor with something more akin to spinning than salsa.  Lots of hispanic big wig politicians but the crowd was of all backgrounds.  I missed the gift bag, but can only assume it was a Bill Richardson travel mug.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard so much about how Michelle's speach was wonderful. I didn't get a chance to watch it. What did you think??
