Friday, August 29, 2008

Clap Your Hands Say No

Negative points to the highly-anticipated Manifest Hope Gallery concert.  Half the bands on the original slate didn't show; instead we got Nadasurf.  And the galleries themselves were closed to the public.  What is this elitism,  Even dropping the names Matt gave me didn't pan.  I did see Clap Your Hands Say Yeah but couldn't wait two hours for Z-Trip.  Laaaame.

Luckily I ran into Clark and Larken, the first couple of political art, and we found a fantastic party with no line right next door, brought to us by Bus-Fed, an organization bringing "Trick or Vote," a Halloween get out the vote drive.  There were lots of interesting things going on there aside from the open bar with Colorado organic vodka (shout to Aleksis and 14), like live bands whose energy was powered by audience members riding bicycles to generate energy and live graffiti art.  I also met Rich with Honest Teas, which would prove to be providential...

We left there around 11 and tried to find the NY Reception at the Denver Art Museum but couldn't.  Shame - I heard it was a fine party.  Our night had to be satisfied by jumping a fence to get to porta-potties.  The glamour!

1 comment:

  1. Okay- this comment has nothing to do with this post (although the fact that the gallery was well, umm lame..)

    So the speech, I have to write this quickly or the Patriot act will certainly find me... It was great. Honestly C-Press, its like we've been building to it ourselves this week with your blog. A lot of our points of difference were addressed (Do you think the O-man has been following us?- I do). And overall it was just a great speech.

    I of course do have my sticking points-
    1.) "Zero dependency on foreign oil in 10 years??" - not feasible
    2.) "I'll lower taxes for 95% of Americans" yet "All of these programs will be expensive" - sounds like traditional Democrat rhetoric to me, but we'll see on that one
    3.) "Equal pay for equal work" - as my Wall St. girlfriend commented, "good luck dude"- but again we'll see

    So the proof is in the proverbial pudding, but as a speech- it was motivating. The 'Pubs have got to pull a few big rabbits next week. Maybe having a female VP will help keep the PUMA's on our side.

    Have a safe trip back- thanks for a fun week!

    -Alex P.
