Monday, October 20, 2008

Stop Praising Stupidity

Here's a great article on how ridiculous it is that Palin won't be subjected to any sort of scrutiny, continuing to either knowingly lie or allow herself to be a puppet.

Speaking of, is there anyone out there that actually thinks this is the right kind of feminism? That putting someone up for a role for which she is unqualified, then praising her for her looks and winks and number of children is progress?

And shame on George W. Bush and his followers for turning intellectual inquiry into a bad thing -- praising "don't blink" confidence over diplomacy, intellect, and measured deliberation. Please God, give me a politician who "flip flops" -- that is, changes his or her stance on an issue when the relevant facts or circumstances shift -- over someone who refuses an exit plan, eschews checks and balances, or continues support tax breaks for the wealthy in a time of economic crisis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ciara--great website. Mark just sent me the link. This article is great, but unfortunately Hitchens is preaching to the choir. By the way, which part of America do you live in? The "pro-America" part or the other part, whatever it's called. Actually--no need to answer. Clearly, living in Nooo Yawwk, you are part of the Jeremiah Wright America-hating crowd. You should feel VERRRRRRRRRY ashamed. Gobama!
