Friday, October 24, 2008

In Which The Mayoress Finally Gets the Guts to Convince Her Family to Vote Obama

The very idea of a phone call still makes my palms sweaty, but at least I finally wrote the email to my mom, her husband, my sister, and my brother. I'm fairly certain the first two support McCain, medium certain on my sister, and not sure on my brother. They're all in Oregon. My older sister already voted in Ohio, I'm pretty sure for Obama. My older brother lives in Montreal but I imagine he can still vote.

What is it that makes it so scary for me to just ask them?!? Anyway, here it is:


Hi guys,

I've been procrastinating making this email or calling about the election, but time's up.

As you know, I feel very emotionally invested in this election, but on a practical, real-world level, if we truly share the values I think we do, we absolutely must vote for Obama. None of us make over $250K nor will we within the next four years. We all care about the environment. We all want August to have a good education. I hope we all want the war to end and to have other countries respect us again, and to not have to keep borrowing money from China or give banks tons of money hoping it will all trickle down to the rest of us.

I've been following the candidates as closely as possible so I will answer any questions, or read up:

How your taxes will be affected under Obama:

Healthcare explanation:

A good overall summary:

If you plan to vote or have already voted for McCain, I really need to understand why. I just cannot understand why anyone who believes in our country or in all people deserving a fair shot at life would do so.

If you need more persuasion, Colin Powell, Justin Timberlake, and Aunt Bobee are all voting Obama. That's a trifecta if I've ever seen one.


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