Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Political Debate is the New Foreplay

Lately, I've reluctantly been thinking that I need to be more compassionate towards those with differing political views. It simply isn't logical that only people who agree with me are intelligent and analytical, nor is it realistic that I will always feel the same way I do about the issues we (I) discuss here.

[Dramatic sigh.]

So in a grand gesture of understanding, tonight I have a date with a... Republican.

Not only is he a Republican, he works for the government AND went to Iraq. We're going to watch the State of the Union address. I'm just asking for it, aren't I?

Of course, my conspiracy theory is that the GOP has gotten wind of my impending mayordom and they've sent a special op to overthrow me before I even get elected. Preemptive strike, indeed.


  1. I was expecting a play by play of the SOTU address here...what happened? Did you and the Republican kill each other before the speech even began?? ;)

  2. Oh man! You're right, I need to get my priorities straight.
