Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is the World Ending?

Not only has there been another earthquake in Haiti, the lovely people of Massachusetts have voted idiot and Republican Scott Brown to office. I'm sitting here listening to his victory speech and it makes me want to cry because it's full of arrogance and inaccuracies.

For those of you not following the story, the significance is that when legendary Democrat Ted Kennedy died, the Senate dropped down to 59 Dems. In order to push through a bill without any obstacles, 60 is that magic number, and there's some pretty partisan stuff on the table right now, specifically the health care bill. Because of this, President Obama even flew to Mass to campaign for the Democratic candidate, so now people are saying that Brown winning means everyone thinks Obama is doing a bad job and must be stopped.

Yeah, ridiculous.

I'd like to remind the Senate that the "filibuster proof majority" of having 60 Dems is not Constitutional law, it's Senate tradition. In truth, only a simple majority is needed to get things done.

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