Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mayoress Warbucks

Guys, I really want to adopt a Haitian orphan. But I'm telling myself that's not a good idea because I really don't want to be a single mom. But I just saw this article and I'm so jealous, truly.

But oh man, It would be just like Annie! Except that I'm not a kazillionaire and I definitely would need a full house staff and I'm not bald. But we would definitely sing and go to the movies and do cute little dances involving wide staircases.


I know this is a hugely touchy subject, but I just don't understand why people choose to birth children when there are so many out there who need homes. Well, no, I think I understand, I just don't agree. If I had more money and more help and wanted kids I'd be all over adoption, fo' reals. As things are now we risk a Miss Hannigan situation.

In related news, though, I just got invited to a breakfast at Mercy Corps, where I made my Haiti donation, to hear from one of their staff that went there! I'm excited to hear a firsthand account.

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