Wednesday, July 15, 2009

International Report: Buy More Shoes

I'm in Amsterdam visiting family and really loving the city. Is the Mayoress Dutch? you gasp! Non, dear readers, but these Presslers had the opportunity of a lifetime when a certain global megabrand swooshed them across the Atlantic for a two-year stint in Holland, all expenses paid. Not too shabby.

But that was two years ago, before the Great Recession. For the past month, my cousin's wife has been in a panic about losing the excellent job she's had for around a decade, not to mention worried that they'll have to pick up and return to the States overnight. Luckily she found out she's okay, but now her BlackBerry has become the grim reaper, sounding death nells for a stream of coworkers who aren't so lucky.

It's my opinion that big companies that are still profitable are using the economy as an excuse to trim the fat. The capitalist in me agrees with that in theory, but the trouble with business models and relevant actions is that people tend to be at the other end - how very inconvenient. Hmm, maybe aforementioned brand could lay off its multi-million dollar endorsement deals and save a few regular jobs?

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