Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ask; Tell

The Mayoress is hopping mad about this Don't Ask Don't Tell business. Overturning this policy is long overdue.

I can't even believe there's a debate around this. Give me one, ONE good reason why gay people shouldn't be allowed to have any job they choose. And if you don't like gay people, wouldn't you want them quarantined away on a military base, or risking their lives overseas?

Plus, we need troops right now. The marketing strategy is a no-brainer. Between the amount of time gay men spend at the gym and the proclivity of lesbians to be phys ed teachers, we're looking at thousands of potential soldiers, people.

Most of the bullshit arguments I'm hearing on the radio have to do with the armed forces being a conservative environment, or that most soldiers come from a conservative background and might be uncomfortable. Well, guess what, life is uncomfortable, and part of being an adult is living and working alongside people who are different from you. No public entity should institutionalize keeping adults insulated.

Which brings us to one of The Mayoress's rules for life:

You may dislike what people choose. You may not dislike what people are.

I cannot tolerate hate or discrimination based on sex, race, sexual orientation, and most of what happens before a person is 15 or so.

I will, however, question people's actions and beliefs based on things like politics, religion, occupation, home landscaping, and fashion sense.

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