Monday, June 29, 2009

Pressler Financial Report

*You should never take financial advice from this or any Pressler unless it has to do with fashion, Super Bowl tickets, or happy hour.

In an effort to be responsible on the eve of my furlough, I'm taking my financial health into my own hands. This is nothing sudden; two years ago I made the resolution to take control of my financial education and have been worshiping at the Church of Suze ever since.

But being a marketer, I'm met with a whole other slew of issues:

How can I invest with eTrade when it thinks talking babies are a valid way to sell financial responsibility?

How can I not invest with TD Ameritrade when Sam Waterston, aka L&O DA, is its spokesperson?

Was it Schwab who animated its ads a la A Scanner Darkly? As much as I'd like Keanu to be my doctor (ref As Good As it Gets), my financial advisor? No way.

Well, it's a good thing I make so much money off this blog, by the time I hit retirement I'll probably have enough for a whole refrigerator box.

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