I spend a lot of time thinking about and talking about sustainability in the arts. Why is the model for most arts projects, productions, organizations, broken? How can we fix it? Is anyone willing to do that work when their ingenuity is much better-rewarded elsewhere?
I got really lucky this year when these musings went from second most-frequent topic over drinks with Flora* to an actual professional project, promoting a wonderful book called 20UNDER40. The book, part of a larger project whose mission is to give emerging arts leaders a voice about where this industry is going, to create a dialogue between arts professionals of all ages, is an anthology of 20 incredibly smart essays about what could, and should, be next. You can get it at www.20UNDER40.org or the usual online book suspects.
That writeup led me to this excellent, excellent interview with Adam Huttler, who runs Fractured Atlas (where I contribute as marketing blogger). Adam not only has smart solutions I wholeheartedly agree with, he's on the ground every day making it happen.