Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Think of the Children!

Hurrah! That racist judge in Louisiana who refused to marry an interracial couple resigned today. What, you didn't hear about this last month?! Apparently this older white gentleman just looooves black people (he lets them use his bathroom!) but refuses to issue interracial couples marriage licenses out of his concern for their future mixed-race children.

I could go on and on about the many things wrong with this guy's unapologetic racism (why does he assume they're even having kids? why is that his business? what empirical evidence is the presumed hardship of biracial children based on? how did this guy get voted into office in the first place? why was this the first couple to take legal action against him?), but I'll just be chilling over here in the Biracial Underachievers Corner with Barack, Mariah, Halle, and the gang.

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