This morning on the Q, this guys just sits down, opens his book, and pops a 20-ounce Coors Light can. No visible judgment from other passengers, which only made me laugh harder. Well, life in NYC ain't easy, and as Anthony points out, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere. (Still, be a gentleman and opt for a coffee stout before noon, it's NY Craft Beer Week for heaven's sake!)
Last night on the Bedford L platform, a fight broke out and my friend B (who will remain anonymous because he probably wants to get laid again someday) got pushed onto the SUBWAY TRACKS. Quel horror! He's okay, a few scrapes, but that's trauma to last a lifetime.
And two nights ago, in N's luxury Manhattan highrise apartment building, a 21-year old resident was shot and killed, possibly a drug-related crime.
Let's be serious: down economy equals hard times equals rise in crime. The whole country is at a weird boiling point, no one seems quite balanced these days. It's bound to keep bubbling over, especially in a city like New York.