Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Red Meat Backlash is ON

The new findings suggest that over the course of a decade, the deaths of one million men and perhaps half a million women could be prevented just by eating less red and processed meats... to prevent premature deaths related to red and processed meats, Dr. Popkin suggested in an interview that people should eat a hamburger only once or twice a week instead of every day, a small steak once a week instead of every other day, and a hot dog every month and a half instead of once a week.

So I guess I should put down my bacon-wrapped steak with side of ground beef? Oh.

All trends must come to an end... so New York culinary scene, what's next?

Full article.

*This post is just an excuse to post that excellent graphic.

'08 Voter Turnout Marks Minority Milestone

From the Times blogs:

The long-standing gap between blacks and whites in voter participation evaporated in the presidential election last year, according to an analysis released Thursday. Black, Hispanic and Asian voters made up nearly a quarter of the electorate, setting a record.

The analysis, by the Pew Research Center, also found that for the first time, black women turned out at a higher rate than any other racial, ethnic and gender group.

The study attributed the findings to several factors beyond the obvious...

I wonder if I was counted as one of these active black women -- where do they get the demographic info? I think I'm white according to the DMV, black according to Social Security, and the '00 census did had a box for "multi-racial" or something... anyone counting that turnout? Wonder which box Obama checked...

Check out full article.

Crazy Like a Foxx

Reporter: "This is why the Republican party is out of touch with [everyone who is not a white male]."


New Dem in da House

So now Arlen Specter is a Democrat (welcome sir!) and when Franken finally takes his rightful place, we're filibuster-proof. Well, kinda. All 60 Dems are not guaranteed to go with Obama 100% of the time. Plus, Obama really does seem to care about getting GOPs on board for important initiatives. Because he is awesome.

I was hesitantly optimistic about the Specter thing - why exactly, 29 years into his career, is he changing parties? My cynical side doubted that it was due to a spiritual epiphany, and lo and behold, it's a political move because he was in danger of getting ousted by a Dem challenger in November so now that he's Dem incumbent, he's much safer. Sigh. I know, I know, ends/means.

What Happened on the L Train Last Night?

So I'm getting back from my run and there's a tidal wave of people walking down Metro from the Lorimer stop, most on cell phones. Clearly the train is not running. No one seemed to know what was going on. I gave some guy directions to Canarsie even though I've never been there so good luck buddy, and thought that would be the end of it, but no, tons of people and traffic and honking which severely hampered my Law & Order viewing. I was telling my mom about it on the phone, my theory being a track problem or rider injury; she posited terror threat. I explained to the Oregonian that the only terror threats happening on the L line beyond Williamsburg would be from me to Bushwick, so we're probably safe.

For now.

The Mayoress's Tips for Avoiding Swine Flu

Wash hands at least once every 30 minutes. Use anti-bacterials soap. If none available, terpentine.

Avoid eating pork products, i.e. bacon, ham, pork rinds, etc.

On that note, avoid cops.

Do not travel to Mexico.

Do not travel to Texas.

Do not travel to Queens.

Do not travel to the above two places anyway. If going to Mexico, please bring me.

Avoid contact with children - this includes all people under the age of 23 who may have gone on a Spring Break Cancun trip. Yvette, there goes your love life.

Wear a mask. But not one of those icky hospital blue ones - make sure they're chic for spring fashion - go with a nice taupe camo or bright Pucci print!!

If you DO exhibit symptoms of swine flu, commence immediately in milking it for all it's worth. Tell everyone you will probably die and start watching the flowers and emotive cards roll in. Perhaps try to get an appearance on Oprah or trip to Paris via the Swine Flu Foundation.

This has been a message from the Office of The Mayoress. You're welcome.

London theater company to let audience program its 2012 season

From The Stage [UK], 4/30/09:

Theatre Royal Stratford East is to give audiences a free rein to choose its [programming] for the first six months of 2012, in the run up to the London Olympics. The move, which is thought to be the first time a major producing theatre has given the general public an open say about what is put on its stage for an entire season, is seen by officials at TRSE as an extension of the company's long tradition of being a "theatre of the people".

All I can say is, thank god this is happening in the UK and not the US. Can you imagine a season chosen by the people who frequent Broadway these days? It would look something like:

Les Miz
10th Revival of [insert popular 1950s musical here]
Some Disney Cartoon
Jukebox Musical Based on Music of [insert 70s pop icon here]
80s Movie Turned into Musical
Shouldn't We Do Something By Shakespeare? Aw, Fuck It, Let's Do Grease!!!

Several of My Friends Are Even Cooler Than I Am

"The funny thing about writing is you never know where you're going to end up when you start. (Come to think of it, I guess most things in life are like that.)"

I should start one of those Blog Rolls or whatever but until I get the motivation to figure it out, here's a rec:

My buddy Kyle Jarrow is a crazy talented writer & musician - he's younger than I am and he's already won an Obie Award (off-Bway Tony) for writing a kickass play. He has like ten bands including the awesometastic Fabulous Entourage and must write in his sleep he's so prolific. I was lucky enough to be a co-producer on his musical Love Kills in '07, and now he's collaborating with Duncan Sheik (Spring Awakening) on a new show, and blogging the experience.

Check out Kyle's blog here.

Okay, back to the news.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ever Notice How Many Massacres Happen in April?

Dahlia Lithwick did. Check out her article.

"The extreme hysteria that surrounds discussions of gun control leads to absurd arguments about causation. Nobody claims that Glenn Beck is responsible for killing people. Nobody thinks guns are inherently evil. But how can there be an honest national debate over gun violence if we cannot even acknowledge the connections between people who admonish us to become "armed and dangerous" and a citizen's decision to arm himself and kill? Our annual April shooting sprees have many complicated causes, and no single factor is fully to blame. But it's willful blindness to fail to see any connections between the rising number of guns in America, the decline in gun regulation, and the screaming nightly predictions about the rise of an apocalyptic totalitarian police state."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not News But Brilliant Nonetheless

Symbolically not doing something for the sake of not doing it is almost never evidence of sophistication. It is evidence of not knowing what you're fucking talking about. Are we really still having this conversation?

Read full article

Where I've Been

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA (missing in action, not writing kickass music and performing while 9 months pregs) but my life has been all Gen Art Film Festival, all the time. Key economic indicator! Too much work for free time!

Which means my brain has been too fried even to listen to NPR in the morning, as is my habit. No Maddow, no CNN, no Sunday Times. Bandwidth reached, no more room for information. Isn't it funny how when we decide to check out from the news we assume it isn't happening? I'm like - Italy Binghamton Obama wha? Dan Savage running for mayor of Seattle?! The only news I can wrap my head around this week is which celebs might hit our red carpet at tonight's premiere. Tough, I know.

Fear not, dear readers. Just like the gov'nah of California, I'll be back.