On the way back, my cell phone battery died. Inevitably, when I plugged it in just 20 minutes later, I had four messages with Invesco ticket offers. I called each back, all of them had been given away already.
Then my phone rang - it was Rich from the previous night's party - he had an extra ticket but was already at the stadium, which meant I had to leave immediately. I flew out the door and biked over, meeting up with him and the Honest Tea guys as they passed out free drinks and got people to pose with a "Vote Honest Teas" sign. Hey, can't pass up an opportunity for guerilla marketing.
The line was almost a mile long but moved quickly. I passed the time by finding Nate a ticket, courtesy Peter, my new NYC Dems friend. Chatting with those around me, I soon met Jane, a Denver resident and instant friend who had just returned from Ethiopia where she adopted her first child. Which of course led us to...