Friday, April 23, 2010

Cartoons = Death

Well, well, well. Guess who's pissed at South Park again? I'm not going to go deep on this one because I don't want to be on any extremist's shit list and because other people are already explaining the ridiculousness better than I could, but I think you can all imagine where I stand on this issue.

Note to Mohommed of Revolution Muslim:
a) American are not "more worried about missing their favorite TV show than they are about the world," we're worried about our DVR not recording it.
b) Triscuits? Come ON. Cheez-its 4eva.

Wall Street: We Are All Fucked

Yesterday Obama gave a speech urging Wall Street to behave better. Right. Good luck getting people to make less money, have a harder time making the same amount of money, or any other such strategy. This is not a time for kumbaya, it's time to make some tough laws and Wall Street can deal with it.

Of course, since finance pretty much runs the show in capitalist America, it's pretty unlikely that anything significant will happen, or at least with significant support. Take New York, for instance. Every reader of this blog knows where our dear mayor gets his billions, and it ain't taxpayer money. There is zero incentive for local or even state support for finance regulation. Word is that Senator Schumer is being pretty cool about it, but definitely not Paterson.

Obama: this isn't health care where it makes sense to try to get everyone to agree. Lay it down and make the banks get it together. (For now, until they figure out the next way to defraud us.)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

NY Times Social Q's Sucks

I love advice columns. LOOOOVE. If I could write one I'd be the happiest clam in the raw bar plateau. But I don't. So I'll critique.

Today I finally realized what doesn't sit right with me about the relatively new New York Times Style column "Social Q's." The advice tries harder to be cute than to be helpful. But more than that, Philip Galanes only (kinda) answers the questions asked (he's too busy making cute pronouncements rather than sticking to the story, much like how Family Guy hides behind non sequiturs while South Park artfully works its points into the plot), unlike The Divine Dan Savage, who not only fully answers the query at hand but provides teachable moments for all of us, whether we can relate to the exact issue described. THAT is how a good advice columnist advises.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's Your Ideal NYC Neighborhood?

Check this out! As part of their neighborhoods issue, New York magazine has this cool tool for finding your perfect hood match based on several lifestyle factors. Perfect for me since I'm apt hunting... and if I just look at the green results, which are for Brooklyn, it's pretty accurate to where I'm already looking. Nice job NY Mag!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Erin Reads My Blog

Last night Erin mentioned that she reads my blog, which was super flattering. I was genuinely surprised as I have no idea who, if anyone reads this, and Erin is one busy lady! So thanks Erin, for the inspiration to post more regularly.

If you guys ever have ideas, articles, etc for Meet the Pressler - PLEASE let me know and I will do a corresponding post!

Drill Obama Drill

You guys are going to be surprised on this one, but I support the Obama decision to open up drilling off our coast. Why is it okay to rape other countries but not our own? If we need oil so badly, we have to be willing to step up and self-supply.

On a very related topic, I heard on the radio today that the US Armed Forces are the most fossil fuel-dependent body. Which essentially means the most vulnerable. Go US...A.